Well darlings it was one year ago this week that I was canned due to a corporate lay off at my marketing job. I had been working at the company for 4 years and had just recently graduated college and felt like I could finally begin my career, my life, everything. Suddenly, after just moving into my new place in the city for only 2 months, I was searching for employment. To make the situation even better, I found out that I could not receive unemployment because my company was a non-profit...awesome.
*photo compliments of We Heart It via Polarnna on Flickr*
Well, I went home that day picked up my latest Vogue Magazine and sent a resume and cover letter to EVERY company visible from cover to cover. The next day I went to the fabric store and bought the materials to begin making the designs I had in my head, and after that weekend Embellished was born. Little did I know that neither a job, or signs of my shop taking off, would show up for still a few months. Being unemployed is very hard, especially when you are used to being in control of things and very independent. It certainly humbled me and I learned just how unbelievably amazing my friends and family are. I mean, it can literally bring me tears when I think how blessed I am for the people in my life who supported me through such a hard time. Whether it was my parents helping out with a meal or filling my gas tank, or my friends treating me to a Girls' Night Out, I was just constantly amazed.
When nothing was opening up, and then this opportunity to go study French in FRANCE fell in my lap, I really felt in my heart like now was the only time I would ever have to seize such a great opportunity...and I was right. After college and before serious boyfriends and a serious career, this year was literally my only shot to live my dream. And you know what? It has been really hard, and from time to time I still can't believe I am over here, but I am SO glad I did it. I have grown so much as a person, and am even more confidant in who I am, and of course my French is becoming better each day and that is really exciting to see.
*photo compliments of We Heart It via Emma Cherry on Flickr*
This further solidifies my steadfast belief that life is so fleeting and you really have to fully enjoy every period you are in, while you are in it. Sure I wouldn't want to go back to high school, but I had a fantastic time when I was there, was involved in too many groups to count and made some really great friends, some of whom I am still able to keep in touch with now and then. College of course is amazing; finally spreading your wings and being taken seriously, Greek Life, and the joys of many late nights of cram sessions and parties and not having a class until 2pm! Of course it is irresponsible to lose yourself and any direction, but is as just as insulting to always dwell on the past or only focus on the uncontrollable future when you are missing the best moments right in front of you.
*photo compliments of Set the World on Fire Photography*
We are never promised tomorrow so grasp today and squeeze everything you can out of it, living in fear will only keep you in a shell, letting yourself go is not only easier to breathe but when you look back you will be overwhelmed at the amazing things you have been blessed with experiencing in your life.
How have you been blessed mes cheries?
And speakings of blessings lets announce the winner of the wonderful Emelia Jane Photography Giveaway...
Congrats Pin of Sensorimotor I hope you enjoy Embellishing your home with your favorite stunning print!
Be sure to keep checking Emelia Jane Photography, there are beautiful things for everyone!