Wednesday, February 9, 2011

South Sulawesi's Parepare exploring marine tourism

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Wed, 02/09/2011

Parepare administration in South Sulawesi says it plans to explore the marine tourism potential of the Tonrangeng area in Bacukiki Barat.

Parepare Youth and Sports Affairs and Tourism Agency chief Muhlis Salam said the area could to have a similar success to the widely popular Bunaken National Park marine tourism site in North Sulawesi.

“This is a favorite holiday activity for local and foreign tourists,” Muhlis said Wednesday, as quoted by

He said that the administration had asked for a team of researchers from Hasanuddin University (Makassar) to study the area’s tourism potential.

According to preliminary research conducted by the team, the Tonrangeng area is home to 135 fish species.

Muhlis said the Tonrangeng area was next to Parepare, and could thus become an alternative getaway destination for city dwellers.

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