Monday, April 11, 2011

BeZhare: The Origin of Birds Ruai [Enggang]

It is said that in ancient times in Sambas regency, precisely in the hinterland east of the continent Counter Sekura City Capital Bay District Keramat inhabited by Dayak, the event has occurred which is very amazing to know and interesting to study, so that the incident was brought to the surface.

According to information in the area of people that there is a small kingdom, located not far from the Onion Mountain adjacent to the Mount Ruai. Not far from these two lies the mountain is a cave called "Cave of Stone", in which there are many small rivers flow in which there is a lot of fish and the cave was inhabited by an elderly grandfather who may be regarded as "magic.

The story begins with a king who ruled the kingdom on and has seven daughters, the king did not have another wife since the death of the empress or the mother of seven daughters. Among the seven daughters of the king's daughter is one of the youngest or the youngest. The youngest have good manners, diligent, helpful and obedient to parents, therefore, no wonder the father doted on her. Others also is the sixth sister - his sister, his behavior is very different from the youngest, sixth sister has an evil heart, envy, jealousy, love to argue with parents, and lazy work. Every day is doing just play - play alone.

With both background this is, then the father (the king) to select a love for the daughter - her daughter. Nearly every sixth day the youngest brother dimarah by his father, while the youngest is dimanjakannya. Seeing this is the sixth treatment the youngest brother into resentment, even hatred toward his brother own, then when his father was not in place, the target is the older sister wreak vengeance upon the youngest to hit out - run out without any sense of compassion so that the body of the youngest becomes bluish - discoloration and for fear of being beaten again the youngest to be scared by his brother.

Ruai Bird [Enggang]
For that all things are ordered his brother would not want sibungsu have to think like: washing clothes her sister, clean the house and yard, cooking, washing dishes, even the most horrible again, ordinary sibungsu told to bring in some young cadets to friends / accompany her brother six men. All work is done only the youngest son alone while her sister to six people are just joking.
Once the sixth time ever due to her sister's treatment of the youngest known by the king (father) by looking at the body (body), the youngest of the blue because it was beaten out but was afraid to tell the truth on the father, and when the father asks the events that befall the youngest the sixth brother, the sixth man his brother was making excuses - reasons which made his father believe one hundred percent that nothing happened - nothing. One of the reasons that made the older sister is blue because it causes the body the youngest neighbor stealing papaya, then caught and beaten by the neighbor. Because too convinced his father to the story of her sister so her father does not extend the problem in question.

That's the life of the youngest brother suffered with the sixth, though still being the youngest sixth treatment did not face his brother, sometimes - sometimes the youngest burst - bitterly blamed herself why she was so quick to leave. so that he can not obtain protection. For the protection of his father's arguably still very poor. Because his father was busy with affairs of the kingdom and government affairs.

After experiencing a day - a day full of misery, then one day gathered together all the inhabitants of the palace to hear the news that the king will go to another kingdom to further strengthen the ties of kinship between them for a month. The seven children (her daughter) did not miss to hear the news about her father's departure. At the meeting it was announced that also the power of the king for a month it handed out to the youngest, which is important when the king was not in place, then the problem - a problem related to the kingdom (rule) must beg (ask) instructions in advance of the youngest .

Hearing the news, the sixth brother was shocked and intention arose, respectively - each in the hearts of her brother to vent their envy, when the father had already left for later. Well arise in their hearts - their father's sister's why the trust delegated to the youngest rather than to them.
The front-line soldier in the king's departure is very busy to prepare everything. So the next day the king's troops went to the flag and the horse which was witnessed by all people of the kingdom and released by the seven daughters.

The departure of the father has been going on a week that passed. Then it was time that the moments that expected by the sixth youngest brother to vent their evil desires that want to destroy the youngest so do not live together anymore, and if necessary the youngest to be killed. These signs are known by the youngest son through his dreams who wants to be killed by his brother at the time sleeping at night.

After holding talks among the six brothers and rencanapun is ripe, then in a sixth day in the youngest brother was called the youngest, did he do?. It turned out that his brother took the sixth youngest to get fish (reap), which in Malay Sambas looking fish with a tool called a tangguk made from rattan and shapes such as ovoid (oval). Because very excited that his brother wants to be friends again, then the youngest to receive such an invitation. Though the invitation was tucked a revenge against the youngest brother, but the youngest was not expecting it at all.

Without thinking again the king's daughter went all seven people on that day, with each - each carrying tangguk and seven of them came in the place they go to (location menangguk), which is a stone cave, the youngest was ordered to enter first into the cave, new sixth followed by her sister. After they entered, the youngest told to split up in order to reap the fish get more and he did not know that he is lagging far behind his brother with a sister.

The youngest had been further into the cave, the sixth while his brother was still out in front of the cave and pray so that the youngest can not find the trail to go home later. Sixth brother laughing - laughing because the youngest had been lost from sight.
The atmosphere of the cave of darkness to make the youngest to be really - really desperate to find a way out of the cave. Not long after her brother came home sixth of the stone cave into his home without bringing the youngest and in the end the youngest have lost.

Feeling that the youngest had been tricked by her sister, so he stayed alone in the stone cave and sit cross-legged on a rock in the river in a cave to lament the fate that has been empowered by the sixth brother, the youngest only to cry day and night because no single creature that can help in the cave was pitch black except in circumstances and the fish that swim to and fro.

How the fate of the youngest? without was the youngest were in the cave that was seven days and seven nights old, but he still has not been able to go home, exactly on the seventh day the youngest was in the cave, without thought - thought there was a very scary incident in the cave rock, thundering rumble-rumble seemed to want to tear down the stone cave, the youngest just crying and screaming to keep a sense of fear, then at that time, accompanied by a thunderous sound came an elderly grandfather and the magic is right in front of the youngest, then the the youngest have surprised to see it, not long after the old man said, "What are you here my granddaughter? ", Then the youngest replied," I left by the brother - sister servant, kek! ", Then the youngest crying in fear that the tears do not stop coming out, unexpectedly at the time with his supernatural powers dots grandfather was the youngest tears slowly turn into white eggs are large and numerous, then the bungsupun has changed its form by the grandfather magic into a beautiful bird feathers.
The youngest was still able to speak like humans at the time, then the old man said again, "Son I will help you from the misery that afflicts your life but the way you have Your form I changed into a bird and you will I give the name" Bird Ruai, if I has disappeared from your view then brood is eggs to make it - bird as your friend! ".
Then the youngest has spontaneously turned into a bird with the magic answer grandfather talks with answers gwa ... quack ... quack ... quack .... quack, the same time powerful grandfather disappeared with the smoke and the bird ruai very many in number and at the same time the birds leave the cave and live in front of trees shelter the youngest first, loud quack ... quack .... quack ... quack .... quack, they witnessed the elder brother - the youngest brother is punished by his father for having killed the youngest.

By: NN (Sambas Story)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Article was written and circulated by Guntur Suhada on BeZhare to your knowledge, please do not take and pass on any sites without the knowledge of this site. Or if necessary, you can pass it on any site to include the name of the author of this article. We appreciate the authenticity of writings that we make here. Thank you for your attention.

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