Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BeZhare: Treatment Guidelines

Medical Sample
Ingredients from plants and traditional medicine has maintained for generations in general. A very simple process using substantially. But listen to things that are less than healthy, and some of the user that is undeniable. On the other hand, tools, materials, and the perpetrators must be clean. In addition, there are things that must be known in order to avoid so you do not want to use these medicinal plants.
Other measures of health, water period, the consumption, the equipment used, including plant material should be considered.
1. The plant material
The plant material used for the treatment of conditions must be fresh. If you use a dry condition of the material should be good. Dirt, moisture, mold, exposed to the use of material found in soil and eat insects, please be avoided.
We have used it before, it is recommended that the material was first washed with water until completely clean. In this section, the bacteria, so you can carry worms or eggs, you should wash the soil containing the roots of plants.
Intact plant material, roots, fruits, leaves, etc., or to store away from heat and direct sunlight to be consumed fresh, it should maintain its freshness. Material, or if you're ready, it would be good because it gets the same day, there is no need for storage.
Requirements, such as tablets and powder of the herbs, mix the dry ingredients are mixed with herbs and oils are not applied.

2. Two devices used
The major weakness of traditional medicine can not be lack of interest in the equipment used can not be denied. This should not be taken lightly. It is clean instruments used for the transmission of the disease if it is incorrect or appliances, books, dirt, or even eliminate the effect of the drug.
Spoon, cup, filter and bottle in boiling pot, used equipment should be cleaned or the first. If necessary, the device is immersed in boiling water or hot. After use, tools should be washed again. To be used again later for the same product, please do not assume there is no need to wash their tools properly. This means that once exposed to dust, burying the old soil can cause new problems, which. For example, lead and carry the bacteria and the remains of the equipment.
Please boiling water or steam Remonsutorena be cleaned. When the use clean cloth and use a filter fabric, new fabric that is important not used for any other purpose. Cloth before use, if used for other purposes after use, should be washed with fabric is a good feeling.
Boiling pot, the soil material, ceramic, or e-mail must be done. It may be boiled, aluminum, iron, or brass pot ingredients. Lead and tool to make the filter use is strictly prohibited. This is the generation of sediment, toxic substances, reducing the concentration of the drug solution is needed to avoid creating a chemical reaction and release substances that are in pots or side effects.
In addition, the cleanliness of the hands to distribute the equipment to clean the bodies should keep the room medicine.
3. Water
Healthy water is odorless, tasteless, colorless and transparent as water. The water and dirt that can not be used yellowish, odorless, not included.
The food and clean water to tell if the water used. However, herbs should be boiled if you clean the raw water used for the first time.
4. Duration of use
The traditional ingredients and press in general, what is created by cooking and eating raw. Boiled herb should be stored 24 days or hours. After this period, should be discarded if the filter is constructed memelukannya new again. If the filter is made from the juice without the boiling water should only be stored for 12 hours. For more information, can be mixed with bacteria and pollutants from the surrounding air around, than do not use it anymore.
It is usually prescribed drugs presented here are based on an examination of that period. However, the portion is more than the recommended time, unfortunately, if abandoned or simply because it is always to consider the use of this term is harmless. Remember that health is more important than the mere material.
5. Other medical care
Here, multiple sclerosis, and supports the use of traditional medicine as a medical practice, is not modern medicine is not ignored. If the disease is severe patients Tetep, mainly hospitals, clinics, doctors must communicate or local.
Article was written and circulated by Guntur Suhada on BeZhare to your knowledge, please do not take and pass on any sites without the knowledge of this site. Or if necessary, you can pass it on any site to include the name of the author of this article. We appreciate the authenticity of writings that we make here. Thank you for your attention.

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