Monday, April 11, 2011

BiZhare: Knowing the Response Mode and Control of Filariasis Elephantiasis

(Elephant Leg Disease) is an infectious disease caused by Filaria worms that are transmitted by various species of mosquitoes. This disease is chronic (chronic) and if not treated can cause permanent disability in the form of enlargement of the legs, arms and genitals of both women and men. 

Transmission of Filariasis
One can catch the disease or infected with elephantiasis, if the person is bitten by infective mosquitoes that contain mosquito larvae stage III (L3). Mosquitoes are a small filarial worms (microfilariae) when the blood sucking people or animals containing microfilaria reservoir containing the microfilaria. Transmission Cycle kaiki this elephant through two stages, namely the development of mosquito (vector) and the second phase of development in the human body (host) and reservoair.

Clinical symptoms of filariasis

Clinical Symptoms of Acute Filariais is the form; Fever repeatedly for 3 -5 days, fever may be lost if the break and came back after working hard, swollen lymph nodes (without any injury), groin area, ketiap (lymphadenitis), which looks red, heat and pain; tract inflammation of lymph nodes that feel heat and pain radiating from the base of the foot or base of the arm towards the end (retrograde lymphangitis); filarial abscess due to often suffer from swollen lymph nodes, it can burst and release pus and blood; enlargement of limbs, arms, breasts, testicles that look a little flushed and feels hot (early lymphodema). Klinisyang Gejal chronic persistent form of enlargement (elephantiasis) in the legs, arms, breasts, testicles (elephantiasis skroti).

Diagnosis of Filariasis
Clinical filariasis can be enforced, ie, if someone suspects filariasis in the signs and symptoms of acute or chronic; with finger blood tests done beginning at 20:00 pm local time, someone stated the filariasis patients, when the dosage was found in thick blood microfilariae. Prevention; is to try to avoid mosquito bites vector (to reduce contacts with the vector), for example by using mosquito nets while sleeping bull will, close the vents houses with mosquito netting, use insect repellent mosquito repellent spray or a baker, lubricate the skin with anti-mosquito drugs, or by way of eradicating mosquitoes, by cleaning the water plants in the marsh which is a breeding place of mosquitoes, hoarding, drain or drain stagnant water as breeding places of mosquitoes; clean up the bushes around the house. 

Filariasis Treatment
Conducted mass endemic didaeah using drugs Carbamazine Diethyl Citrate (DEC) combined with Albenzol once a year for 5-10 years, to prevent side reactions such as fever, given paracetamol; dose of medication for a drink is, DEC 6 mg / kg / body weight , Albenzol albenzol 400 mg (1 tablet); treatment is stopped eg when Mf rate had reached.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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