Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Entire Ranking of the 50 Official Walt Disney Animated Features (Part 1)

With the release of Tangled, the official list of Walt Disney animated features produced by the main studio has hit 50. So this does not include the Pixar movies or the animated movies made by DisneyToon Studios. This is the official canon that started out with Snow White, continued after Walt's death with Aristocats, and recently hit the half-century mark with the Thanksgiving surprise-surprise hit Tangled. Now, because I have no life, I have decided to rank the entire catalog from the worst to the best. Like I said, I am including only the films in the official list, so movies like A Goofy Movie, Mary Poppins, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit (which have animation in them and are made by Disney) will not be included here by any means necessary. Here we go!

50) Chicken Little
Bottom Line: This is bottom-of-the-barrel worst of the worst. Bad writing, bad pacing, bad characters, bad everything.

49) Treasure Planet
Bottom Line: Why couldn’t it be your good ol’ pirate-treasure story? Why outer space? No hope.

48) Atlantis
Bottom Line: The beginning of the rapid downfall of quality in Disney animation.

47) The Aristocats
Bottom Line: The most overrated of the old-school Disney movies. The only truly likable character was the villain….

46) Melody Time
Bottom Line: Another low-budget-last-second-gotta-finance-something-during-wartime film that just lacks the usual Disney magic.

45) The Black Calderon
Bottom Line: What happens when you try too hard to reach a teen audience

44) Dinosaur
Bottom Line: Beautiful animation. That’s about it.

43) Brother Bear
Bottom Line: Predictable movie with few likable moments.

42) Rescuers Down Under
Bottom Line: Unnecessary sequel, that's honestly what it was. A cash cow project that nearly killed the Disney Renaissance.

41) Oliver and Company
Bottom Line: A few charming moments but didn’t ultimately deliver. Was also supposed to be a Rescuers sequel.

40) The Great Mouse Detective
Bottom Line: A step in the right direction, but very forgettable

39) Fun and Fancy Free
Bottom Line: Mickey and the Beanstalk was decent. The rest of it, not so much

38) Make Mine Music
Bottom Line: Did anybody even see this one?

37) Home on the Range
Bottom Line: Strong potential destroyed by minimal budget, lack of care, and Eisner sabotaging the project

36) Fantasia 2000
Bottom Line: Beautiful blend of music and animation, that isn’t imitated enough. That being said, its all it is.

35) Fantasia
Bottom Line: See previous statement. And now add the great Night on Bald Mountain sequence.

34) Lilo and Stitch
Bottom Line: I am not a Stitch fan. Never have been, never will be. However, the animation, humor, and music is all mildly delightful.

33) Peter Pan
Bottom Line: Tinkerbell was a (#*$(*)@. Yet, Captain Hook is one of the best Disney villains.

32) Bolt
Bottom Line: Great beginning, but slows down into the cliché Disney stage by act III.

31) Tangled
Bottom Line: Its sometimes clever, fun, and hip, but the awkwardness and sometimes sheer stupidity of some of the characters baffles me.

30) Pocahontas
Bottom Line: This movie was supposed to be the successful juggernaut that eventually became Lion King.

29) Saludos Amigos
Bottom Line: The first decent animated film in history to have some nice Hispanic flair

28) The Three Caballeros
Bottom Line: Great special effects, great music, it was Fantasia except with a superior personality

27) Bambi
Bottom Line: Do people still go hunting after watching this film?

26) The Rescuers
Bottom Line: Disney’s most unappreciated smash hit. It broke records, outperformed Star Wars overseas, and garnished an Oscar nomination. Where is the love for this film?

Bottom Line: Part 2 will be unveiled within the next couple of days, with me revealing the top 25. Enjoying the list so far? Think its utter crap? Afraid of what movie is missing from the bottom barrel portion of this list? Speak up!

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