“[ANNOUNCEMENT] Best Android Apps” plus 7 more | |
- [ANNOUNCEMENT] Best Android Apps
- Latest Hilarious Picks [MakeUseOf Geeky Fun]
- Cool Websites and Tools [July 10th]
- Thank You To MakeUseOf Friends!
- Flickr Vs Picasa (Google Photos) – What Will You Use? [MakeUseOf Poll]
- Hot Tech Deals – Dell Discounts + more
- 10 Free Albums From Folk To Punk [Sound Sunday July 10th]
- 5 Must Download New Free iPad Games
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Best Android Apps Posted: 11 Jul 2011 06:30 AM PDT
We’ve listed 100 of the best Android apps on a single page as a centralised hub for all your Android needs. We’ve asked you for suggestions, read through all of your feedback and taking into account all of the advice given to us, we’ve finally come up with a list of the greatest Android apps that we’re happy with. We think that you’ll most definitely find most of the apps useful, plus a couple that you’ve never heard of but should probably start using! Head over to our Best Of: Android Apps page and check it out! As always, we’d appreciate your input and suggestions, so if you think that we’ve missed out your favourite application or perhaps should have added a couple more essential apps into the list; please feel free to voice out in the comments section. We would love to hear what you think about our list and whether or not you found it useful. Please share our Best Of: Android Apps page with your friends on social networks and let the fellow Android users know about it! [ANNOUNCEMENT] Best Android Apps is a post from: MakeUseOf More articles about: downloads, Google, google android, mobile games, software packSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Latest Hilarious Picks [MakeUseOf Geeky Fun] Posted: 10 Jul 2011 11:01 PM PDT
If you would like to keep up with all latest Geeky Fun additions, please subscribe to the Geeky Fun feed here. You can also subscribe and get the latest additions via email. Need Assistance? Ask questions to MakeUseOf staff and thousands of other readers on MakeUseOf Answers! Latest Hilarious Picks [MakeUseOf Geeky Fun] is a post from: MakeUseOf More articles about: geeky funSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cool Websites and Tools [July 10th] Posted: 10 Jul 2011 08:31 PM PDT
These are just half of the websites that we discovered in the last couple of days. If you want us to send you daily round-ups of all cool websites we come across, leave your email here. Or follow us via RSS feed. Cool Websites and Tools [July 10th] is a post from: MakeUseOf More articles about: cool web appsSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thank You To MakeUseOf Friends! Posted: 10 Jul 2011 06:31 PM PDT
Thank you, guys! Thank You To MakeUseOf Friends! is a post from: MakeUseOf More articles about: announcements, sponsorsSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flickr Vs Picasa (Google Photos) – What Will You Use? [MakeUseOf Poll] Posted: 10 Jul 2011 03:30 PM PDT
Out of 527 votes collected, readers had the following opinions: 41% voters haven’t tried it yet, but are looking forward to it; 24% readers think Google+ is okay; 22% readers love it; 7% voters are just not interested; 4% readers will leave it until it’s reached critical mass; and 1% voters hate it. Full results and this week’s poll after the jump. If you look at the results, you’ll see most people are pretty keen to use Google+, even if they haven’t tried it yet. This week’s poll question is: Flickr Vs Picasa (Google Photos) – What Will You Use? With Google+ gaining popularity at a rapid rate, Picasa (soon to be known as Google Photos) is looking like it will automatically become an easy, free choice for photo storage — especially for Android users. Will it sway you? What will you use? So, tell us more about your plan. Will you use Picasa/Google Photos now? Why/Why not? Flickr Vs Picasa (Google Photos) – What Will You Use? [MakeUseOf Poll] is a post from: MakeUseOf More articles about: Flickr, google picasa, photos, Reader PollsSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hot Tech Deals – Dell Discounts + more Posted: 10 Jul 2011 01:30 PM PDT
For more fresh hot deals, visit our Hot Tech Deals page, which is constantly updated.
Follow MakeUseOf on Twitter. Includes cool extras. Hot Tech Deals – Dell Discounts + more is a post from: MakeUseOf More articles about: dealsSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 Free Albums From Folk To Punk [Sound Sunday July 10th] Posted: 10 Jul 2011 12:30 PM PDT
To make up for being very electronic-centric last week, this edition is dominated by handmade music, such as folk, rock, and punk. If you enjoy any of the albums, please consider donating a few dollars to the artist. I apologize in advance in case any of the free or name your price (try entering 0) Bandcamp albums received a price tag before you had a chance to download them. MakeUseOf has no control over it. Please post your feedback in the comments or email me with suggestions and requests [tina at makeuseof dot com]. Stray Dogg – AlmostGenre: indie, lo-fi, americana, folk From their profile: “After couple of solo performances as a singer songwriter, Dukat Stray a.k.a. Stray Dogg decided to form a band in the winter of 2011 with Ana (violin), and Jelena (piano), girls who are Music Academy (Belgrade) graduates. The band performed as a backup to Chinawoman and Scout Niblett after only couple of months practice, with a 4 song Demo only availible. The band needed another guitar player, and that's when Marko from the Belgrade electropop band Inje, joined Stray Dogg band to play solo guitar.” Almost is a free download from Bandcamp. Eastern Phoebes – Gypsy PawGenre: indie, pop, folk From their Homepage: “Eastern Phoebes began as the home recording project of two lovers: multi-instrumentalist/producer/sound explorer Ry Smith and holistic health guru/yogi extraordinaire Meg Bayley. In January of 2010, Ry started recording songs he was writing in their loft apartment. He asked Meg to help sing and clap on a bunch of tunes, and the “band” was formed. They released their self-titled five track EP that summer, a CD-R enclosed in a handmade cardboard envelope complete with artwork by the couple’s go-to album artist, Andy Drake.” Gypsy Paw is a free download from Bandcamp. Jeremy Messersmith – AlbumGenre: acoustic, folk, pop From his Facebook Biography: “To call Jeremy Messersmith a musician is half-truth: He's also a storyteller, who has carefully crafted a trilogy of songs that narrate life. (…) The Reluctant Graveyard (out May 4) bookends this trilogy of lifelong (ahem, literary) observations with songs like "Lazy Bones" and "Organ Donor," and sonically continues on the'60 chamber pop path Messersmith set out with his sophomore release. He continues to share stages with notables such as Sondre Lechre and The Watson Twins, and has been featured on MTV and Ugly Betty. And while this collection of songs comes to an end, it's no doubt that the stories will live on.” The Reluctant Graveyard Doctors Without Borders Remix is a name your price download from Bandcamp. Cosmic Analog Ensemble – Navigations NocturnesGenre: instrumental, jazz, soul, classical, electronic, folk From the band’s profile on the FMA: “Charif Megarbane, founder and songwriter of the band Heroes & Villains is the Cosmic Analog Ensemble. Whether with live instruments or with old samplers, Megarbane writes, produces and mixes all the material on his own. CAE’s releases are the result of hours of improvisation recorded with basic analog equipment across the globe. It can be described as library music, in reference to the abstract, obscure instrumentals of the 60′s-70′s. In that sense, the Cosmic Analog Ensemble cannot be pigeonholed: the only constant is the grit and the rawness.” Navigations Nocturnes is a free download from Bandcamp. Russell Dauberman – DemoGenre: indie, acoustic, folk, punk From his Facebook Biography: “I’m Russell from Bellefonte PA. I love writing music. I made this page so that I can show my music to others. I encourage any and all feedback. If you would like to listen to my music, I have a bandcamp page with songs that I have written and recorded. The link for the site is shown below. If you would like me to play a show, party, or anything at all, contact me on here or my regular facebook.” The Demo album is a free download from Bandcamp. The Rope River Blues Band – selftitledGenre: lo-fi, americana, blues, pop The band from Baltimore, Maryland conists of Matt Perzinski and Krestovsky. Active since 2006, The Rope River Blues Band have released four albums, the latest being the 3 track EP Looks(ee): This Psychedelik Wilderniss!, which can be downloaded from the FMA. The Rope River Blues Band is a free download from the Free Music Archive. mo-seph – The Other PlaceGenre: experimental, ambient, electronic, trip-hop, techno From his FMA profile: “mo-seph is Dave Murray-Rust and he gets computers and electronics to make noises that make him smile. He likes to hit things that go beep, and he’s been doing that for a long time in lots of different ways” The Other Place is a free download from the Free Music Archive. Careers In Science – WHATEVERWOLFGenre: hardcore, nerdrock, punk From their Facebook Biography: “Nerdy post-punk and hardcore influenced punk rock by way of Black Flag and Devo; fast, guitar-driven songs about giant monsters, suburban paranoia, and that moment when you realize you’re no longer a kid. Throw in a healthy dose of satire and video game references and you’ve got Careers In Science.” WHATEVERWOLF is a name your price download from Bandcamp. Grand Hotel Paradox – First World ProblemsGenre: experimental, independent, punk From their Facebook Biography: “Grand Hotel Paradox is a DIY & independent punk band. Grand Hotel Paradox makes music that experiments with harmony, rhythm and texture a little more than most punk music, whilst still giving precedence to lyrics.” First World Problems is a name your price download from Bandcamp. Joey Cape – Joey Cape’s Bad LoudGenre: punk, rock From the Bio on his Homepage: “Long-time singer-songwriter Joey Cape has drawn inspiration from the candle lit emotion of Kill Rock Stars era Elliott Smith and an upbringing steeped in acoustic acts such as Simon & Garfunkel and Cat Stevens; Cape's acoustic efforts stand up on their own and finally introduce him as a promising addition to the pantheon of great American singer-songwriters.” Joey Cape’s Bad Loud is a name your price download from Bandcamp. New to Sound Sunday? Past editions of Sound Sunday are available here. Feel free to get in touch with me [tina at makeuseof dot com] to share free material, suggestions, and feedback or simply add your comments below. Need Assistance? Ask questions to MakeUseOf staff and thousands of other readers on MakeUseOf Answers! 10 Free Albums From Folk To Punk [Sound Sunday July 10th] is a post from: MakeUseOf More articles about: downloads, freebies, indie music, music, music albums, songs, soundsundaySimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Must Download New Free iPad Games Posted: 10 Jul 2011 10:30 AM PDT
Tiny TowerHands-up those who remember SimTower? No, nevermind, it wasn't exactly the most famous of the franchise that spawned a million sim games, but it was curiously addictive – and who doesn't have fond memories of building a wedding chapel on the 100th floor and having to cope with an ever increasing elevator demand? Riveting stuff. Tiny Tower is a bit like that, and maintains the same element of addiction thankfully whilst still adding a unique touch to the 'genre' of tower building. What's different? Well, you have only one building type per floor, and it's much harder to build new floors. The mechanics also focus more on shuffling people around and restocking your retail ventures on each floor, as well as little hide and seek tasks when "someone is searching for an old friend". A key task is moving people to the appropriate floor in the elevator when new people or VIPs come to the tower. As a ‘freemium’ game, there's always the option to speed things up, but your stores continue to earn cash even when you're not playing (and using up their stock levels!), and it doesn't feel forced like some games can. Anyway, Tiny Tower is a well produced and addictive game with great core mechanics, and the 8-bit retro graphics add superbly to the game's charm. This weeks MUST DOWNLOAD! Tiny DishI warn you now, this is not something a sane adult would actually want to play, but it's free and it might easily become one of your kids favourites. The premise is simple – you get a plate or two, a screen full of random foods, and you have to sort the correct foodtype onto that plate because mummy hates a messy table. Putting the wrong type of food onto the plate spits out another 10 or so random foods, so you really don't want to get it wrong so often. It did strike me that the objects were just a little too small for uncoordinated fingers though – perhaps children will find it easier. It didn't quite agree with the random mashing of my fat fingers! The iPad version also has a versus (vs) mode, so if you really want give your child the pleasure of whooping your ass at food sorting, go right aead. Marvel Kapow HD Free (demo)I must admit I was expecting a cheap piece of marketing, but was pleasantly surprised by what I found. Though the demo only includes a limited number of levels, it does offer a good amount of gameplay and is good for all ages. In a variety of gameplay mechanisms that reflect arkanoid/breakout/space invaders/fruit ninja clones, each super hero is squared off against a villain. I won't embarrass myself by pretending to know who the characters are as I've never been much of a Marvel fan, but Wolverine's attack is of course slicing at the approaching enemies, while the guy with the American flag on his shield (god, I don't know! Captain Planet?) reflects the enemy shots back up. After a few levels you're forced to mix and match these play styles, choosing the appropriate attack for that enemy. It's a good, addictive mechanism, and definitely worth checking out before considering the full game. Unpleasant HorseQuirky title of the week award! Unpleasant Horse is what happens when teams of developers from PopCap games play silly word games, and see what they can make of the outcome. After winning the code jam, the game was polished up and released. First off, this game is utterly disgusting and depraved, so don't let your kids near it unless you're one of those cool parents. Bordering on ridiculously impossible, the game is about jumping your dark goth-horse around from cloud to cloud, capturing pretty ponies then dragging them down the the slicer, and gobbling up cute birds to get an extra jump. Be careful though, hang around too long in the slicer or miss the next cloud and you'll soon be greeted by a shower of blood and excruciating sound of bones crunching. Definitely NOT one for the whole family, but oh so fun in a sick and twisted kind of way. Battle Bears 1 – Free (demo)Who said teddy bears have to be cuddly? Though the demo is only about 15 minutes long of one full level, it's absolutely gripping and intense throughout. With zero backstory or a ridiculous plot to worry about, you race through the level killing a variety of happy bears – the weakest kind of which shoot out rainbows from their decapitated necks when they die – using a variety of weaponry. A heavy metal soundtrack pounds on in the background, and before long the game has picked up speed, happy bears are spewing out of every door, and you're racing frantically to pick up bonus bullets and making full use of that rocket launcher. Trust me, this is an intense experience not to be missed! That’s it for this week. As ever, you can either post your suggestions for upcoming titles in the comments, or if you’re a developer and you’d like your game featured, then feel free to email me directly james AT Thanks for reading! 5 Must Download New Free iPad Games is a post from: MakeUseOf More articles about: ipad, ipad apps, ipad gamesSimilar articles: |
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