“DOWNLOAD Lockdown: Secure Your Files With TrueCrypt” plus 13 more | |
- DOWNLOAD Lockdown: Secure Your Files With TrueCrypt
- Cool Websites and Tools [July 11th]
- How to Reduce Facebook Photo Tagging Clutter
- 3 Ways Reddit Can Help Those In Need
- Top 8 Websites To Find The Most Priceless & Viral Images
- 5 Fun & Useful Terminal Commands You Can Use More Than Once [Mac & Linux]
- Kick It Old-School With Classic Free Sierra Adventure Games, Tributes & Remakes [Browser, Windows & Mac]
- Hot Tech Deals – Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security Software + more
- How To Enhance Your Windows Experience With AquaSnap (Not Only in Windows 7!)
- 5 Personal Finance Sites That Will Help Get You In Shape
- 8 “Best Online Investing Websites” to Improve Your Gains
- Facebook Video Calling Scam Rides Official Announcement’s Coattails [News]
- How To Make GNOME Applications Look Like KDE Applications With Oxygen-GTK [Linux]
- Getting Started with the Internet of Things eBook [Giveaway]
DOWNLOAD Lockdown: Secure Your Files With TrueCrypt Posted: 12 Jul 2011 06:31 AM PDT
Encryption is used all the time, often without you even realising it. Whenever you buy something online and make a transaction, all your details are heavily encrypted until they reach the other end, making sure that no third party could be listening in. If you use instant messaging programs it is possible to create an encryption tunnel to ensure that only you and the person you’re talking to can see the messages. In this manual we’ll be talking about local file encryption – that is, encrypting files on a hard drive (or encrypting the entire hard drive). The files are safe as long as they are kept in the encrypted area. DOWNLOAD Lockdown: Secure Your Files with TrueCrypt or In this guide you’ll learn about:
DOWNLOAD Lockdown: Secure Your Files with TrueCrypt or Please take a moment and share this guide with friends on Facebook and Twitter using the social network sharing buttons below. More articles about: ebooks, encryption, hide, privacy, security, security tipsSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cool Websites and Tools [July 11th] Posted: 11 Jul 2011 08:31 PM PDT
These are just half of the websites that we discovered in the last couple of days. If you want us to send you daily round-ups of all cool websites we come across, leave your email here. Or follow us via RSS feed. More articles about: cool web appsSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
How to Reduce Facebook Photo Tagging Clutter Posted: 11 Jul 2011 06:30 PM PDT
To start, here’s how Facebook photo-tagging works: once you are tagged in your friend’s photo, it becomes visible in your “Photos” section. Moreover, this update is sent to your public timeline and this photo thumbnail is added to your main photo stream on your profile page. Why may you want to reduce the photo tagging? There are plenty of Facebook applications that tag you automatically which often clutters your public timeline. Besides, with newly-introduced features like “group tagging“, photo tagging has become more and more popular which means it results in more clutter. If you are tired of irrelevant photo-tagging and don’t want your tagged photos to interfere with your own albums and uploads, here are a couple of settings you should be aware of: Prevent your friends from seeing the photos you are tagged in:As far as I know, you can’t completely disable the feature and avoid being tagged. However you can reduce the clutter by not sending your friends a public update once you are tagged. Here’s how you can find the option:
There you will be able to set that the photos you are tagged in are only visible to you. As you can see from the screenshot above, you can also hide those photos (which are uploaded by someone else and thus are not under your control) from some of your contacts. This way you can protect your privacy by preventing your parents or boss from seeing some (possibly embarrassing) photos before you login to remove the tag. Disable Photo Tag Auto-SuggestionsWhen any of your friends upload photos to his Facebook profile, he will be prompted to tag you if any person on their photos looks *like* you. This is a comparatively new feature that is called “tag suggestions” and is aimed to “make tagging multiple photos even more convenient.” It uses face recognition technology to automatically find one and the same person on all photos you upload and prompt you to tag that person with one click. You may be OK with that but you should know that you can turn this feature off any time (in case you don’t want to be tagged too often): in the same section of your Privacy settings click “Edit” button next to “Suggest photos of me to friends” (and disable auto-suggestions there). Are you aware of any other Facebook settings to control the photo tagging feature? Please share your thoughts in the comments! Lastly, here are a few more essential Facebook privacy settings you should be aware of:
Image Credit:Facebook Blog More articles about: Facebook, photo albums, photo sharing, photos, privacy, taggingSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Ways Reddit Can Help Those In Need Posted: 11 Jul 2011 05:30 PM PDT
So what if you end up actually needing assistance? It’s a good thing that the philanthropic users of Reddit and their lovely alien named Snoo are here to help. Some PointersLet’s be straight about a few things. The people of Reddit typically want to look after those who are already existing members of its online community. Furthermore, they will only provide relief if you can prove that you genuinely need it. That is really sad to say, but we all know that the Internet is full of liars. Consider the last time you received an email from that Nigerian prince. You really should refer to our wide assortment of work concerning internet scams. All in all, if you are not a Redditor, it would be best to try one of these options:
Also, if you are already a Redditor, do not make a throwaway account for this type of request. This is one situation where Reddit karma pays off. Reddit can be a nice community, but it also isn’t afraid to unleash its cyber-missiles on those who may be even the most innocent of users. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. In MakeUseOf’s past article concerning Reddit - 5 Cool Things You Should Know about Reddit - the sections known among the general community as “subreddits” are lightly touched upon. Below, MakeUseOf provides you with three different subreddits that are good to remember. r/AssistanceThis subreddit is for the general requests and offers on Reddit. Here you can find anything ranging from requests to relieve medical needs all the way to support with housing troubles. Often, there will be those that cannot assist you financially, but they will provide you with advice that can help you get around any financial woes. Sometimes that is better than anyone sending a few dollars your way. However, since this subreddit is full of people trying to do goodwill unto others, they do not like to be conned, so be prepared with some proof it you really need some help. Submitting a scan of some medical documents or even a picture of your damaged home should be good enough. Even better, place a handwritten sign featuring your username next to both types of images while creating them. r/Food_PantryNo one should have to go hungry, and Reddit makes sure of that with r/Food_Pantry. The formula of this subreddit is quite similar to r/Assistance, but the primary focus is on giving away food. As the Internet’s soup kitchen, users take on a high responsibility of caring for the public. On this subreddit, you will find generous Redditors openly offering gift cards, pre-bought food items, and whatever else people might lack. Redditors in need can request help by making a simple post explaining their situation and general location. Those that see the post can offer their assistance by shipping non-perishables or working with local grocery stores that are able to deliver. r/Random_Acts_of_PizzaWhile pizza may not appeal to the lactose intolerant or picky six-year-olds, I think we can all agree that it is a standard food that is cheap, filling, and plentiful. Although it is in the same spirit of r/Food_Pantry, this subreddit is a little bit more lighthearted than its other philanthropic counterparts, and it offers a more open environment for making requests. Basically, if you are hungry and can’t afford a hot meal, just make a post explaining what’s all going on. Let Reddit do the rest. There is no shame in asking for a pizza here, but it helps if you keep the “pay it forward” mentality. Pizza donors primarily use two methods to send you pizza. For instance, they may just call it in themselves if they are in your area, or if you are at a distance, they will send you an eGift Card for the pizza place of your choice. Also, if there are any other delivery services in your areas, this Reddit can adjust to whatever your starving palate desires. ConclusionTo recap, Reddit is a site that is chock-full of generally good folks. Even in the midst of the heavy debates and questionable controversy that may end up on the site, it is quite obvious that those items can be set aside to aid someone. Also, if you want to check out some success stories about how people have helped others, take a gander at r/TodayYouTomorrowMe. So why don’t you tell us what you think of the helpful sections of Reddit? Have you ever received help from one of the subreddits? Have you ever given help to someone? Image Credits: click, BuckEyeGold More articles about: aggregator, charity, meme, news, social media, web trendsSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Top 8 Websites To Find The Most Priceless & Viral Images Posted: 11 Jul 2011 04:30 PM PDT
The Internet is full of entertainment, but if you’re looking for more amusing ‘lol’ images or other priceless images and other goodies, be ready to unleash your inner procrastinator and check out the following list of websites. They're bound to entertain you with tons of hilarious pictures for at least a couple of hours. theCHIVE
There are also other sections on the site, which feature themed posts for certain weekdays, viral videos, as well as, photos of random hot girls or actual female readers of the site that may sometimes be NSFW. The site's also done pretty well when it comes to donating to readers, or Chivers, in need, but it has also created some Internet hoaxes that have even fooled network shows and other media outlets. Still, theCHIVE is highly addicting and serves a ton of photo galleries that will satisfy the palate of those who are hungry for raw comedy in picture form. BuzzFeedBuzzFeed shows viral videos, images, links and general content in real-time, submitted by the staff and users of the site, which was actually started by a cofounder of the Huffington Post. The posts range from human interest stories to celebrity gossip news. You will still catch plenty of funny pictures for different types of humor on this site, as well as interesting and useful information once in a while. CrackedCracked started out as a humor magazine, first released in 1958, and eventually saw itself on the web, continuing the works of the print edition (which was discontinued in 2007). It features lots of compilations (e.g. 8 Historic Symbols That Mean The Opposite Of What You Think), weekly image manipulation contests, and daily contests to allow users to submit their creative captions to bizarre photos. CollegeHumorThis site has been active for 7+ years and is known for having plenty of helpful articles for college survival, and creating original comedy shorts, like the web series Jake and Amir, and ones even including celebrities, such as Michael C. Hall (the lead of Dexter) and Malin Akerman (from Watchmen). When it comes to funny pictures, CollegeHumor also has picture galleries with lots of bizarre and hilarious images you can't miss. FailBlog & Icanhascheezburger [Both From Cheezburger Network]
FailBlog features lots of hilarious videos and pictures that can either belong in the fail, the more intense "epic fail", or win categories. The site's Youtube channel has over a million subscribers and it's almost like a "America's Funniest Videos" show for Youtube. Icanhascheezburger is of course, its sister site that shows cat pictures with witty captions in lolspeak, generally for different categories. These "kitteh" videos and images have exploded on the web in the recent years because there's always a new cat video or photo these days, but it never gets old to see some cute animals doing Funny Or DieFounded by comedian and actor Will Ferrell, Funny Or Die, launched this website to feature comedy shorts submitted by users, and sometimes, even original short films starring Ferrell and his colleagues, and sometimes even other actors. Though the site is known for its video content, it also has photo caption contests for users to vote on and funny picture galleries to entertain everyone. Geeky Fun
Did we miss any site? Let us know in the comments! Image Credit: Scott Clark More articles about: comedy, fun, humor, images, Interesting, news, photos, popular, social media, web trendsSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Fun & Useful Terminal Commands You Can Use More Than Once [Mac & Linux] Posted: 11 Jul 2011 03:30 PM PDT
defaults is a command-line app for editing plist files, i.e. app preference files. write is a feature of defaults and it’s a command which adds an entry or edits entries of plist files. defaults is a hard application to use, so you could use an app called Secrets, covered on MakeUseOf before, to take advantage of these without learning the command. Most of the time, you will edit the same plist entry only once. After the preference takes effect, you will never need to enter that command again. However, there are some commands which are really useful and can benefit you if you learn them. Here are 5 useful commands that can be used more than once. SSHThis can be used to securely remotely login to another device which has remote login enabled. It is commonly used to login to jailbroken iPhones and send files. It is also used to repair computers without a display attached or to make sure they are still working. SSH can also be used to tunnel web traffic. If you’re on OS X, you must make sure that remote login is turned on in the computer you want to remotely login to. You can do this by going to the Sharing pane in System Preferences, then ticking the “Remote Login” checkbox. Note down the bit in quotes after, “To log in to this computer remotely…”
Where host is the IP. Then verify that you want to connect and enter the remote computer’s password. From there, you can issue commands from the Terminal remotely. For Ubuntu, just install OpenSSH, by using:
Then check your IP address by clicking nteworking icon on the menu bar, then clicking “Connection Information”. Check your IP address (not the “broadcast” one) and note it down. To login remotely, type in the same as before. say [OS X Only]This is limited to OS X machines. Sorry, Linux users. But for you Mac users, say just makes your Mac speak. You would type in:
No quotation marks are needed to enclose the speech or anything. Alternatively, you could first type in
Just add mv + cpThis command is very useful for moving things. But this is easier to do in the file browser, why the CLI? Well, if you put a dot in front of a file with most UNIX-like systems, like Linux and all POSIX-compliant systems, like OS X it hides the file. With OS X, you cannot just add a dot. It doesn’t allow you to. So use the Terminal to hide your top secret project, because mv is also used to rename files. cp can copy files if you want.
With Linux, you must put the two locations in single quotes. cdTo navigate to a location on your Terminal, just type:
You can also drag the folder to the Terminal window after typing cd and then press Enter. This shortcut works on both OS X and Linux, though it’s a tiny bit easier on OS X. To navigate to your home folder, just type:
lsUse ls to see the contents of a directory. First you must cd into the location. Then just type:
This even allows you to see invisible files. Now, can you see how the last three commands link to each other? Now you can find files you hid. If you forget the filenames exactly, this will help you. Now you can restore the hidden files, using the mv command to remove the dot. ConclusionWhat do you think? Have you ever used the command line before? If not, did you find these tools easy to use? What other command line tools can you recommend? Tell us by commenting below! More articles about: command line, commands, terminal, terminal tipsSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 11 Jul 2011 02:30 PM PDT
Today we’re lucky enough to be able to enjoy a selection of the Sierra On-Line back catalogue without dusting off floppies or paying a penny. Not only are there some originals online for your retro-inspired pleasure, but there are also a few decent modern remakes and a series of free independent King’s Quest-inspired titles to enjoy as well. Let’s take a trip down memory lane and spice it up a bit… Old-School Originals @ Sarien.netHosting a smattering of classic Sierra adventure games that you can enjoy from the comfort of your browser, Sarien is the place to begin if you’ve never played any of the original Quest series of games. There are three flavours to enjoy, starting off with King’s Quest: Quest for the Crown. In addition to the original, Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter and Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel are also present. Note: Sarien have a mobile site that is optimized for the iPad, and works a treat.
King’s Quest Remakes by AGD InteractiveAnonymous Game Developers Interactive have been hard at work taking the original King’s Quest trilogy and injecting new life and compatibility into the series with their faithful remakes. Best of all the team have released them for free, and they’re all compatible with both Windows and Mac OS X machines. You can download full versions of each adventure at the following links: The Silver LiningOriginally titled King’s Quest IX: Every Cloak Has A Silver Lining, this fan-made continuation of the King’s Quest series was forced to change its name by Vivendi Games and Activision due to its completely unofficial nature (nice try guys). You can grab individual episodes from the links below for the Windows operating system:
ConclusionIn many ways it’s a shame that this breed of graphical adventure is endangered. ADG Interactive are attempting to bring back the genre with its remakes and recent seperate commercial release, but 2D adventures are always going to be niche. If you enjoy this kind of game and would like the opportunity to play more then you’ll probably want to read all about SCUMMVM, a point-and-click adventure game emulator which supports a considerable amount of the Sierra back catalogue. Do you have any favourite Sierra games? Any favourites from this article? Love your SCUMM? Let us know in the comments! More articles about: cross platform, fun, game reviews, ipad games, old-school, online games, rpgSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hot Tech Deals – Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security Software + more Posted: 11 Jul 2011 01:30 PM PDT
For more fresh hot deals, visit our Hot Tech Deals page, which is constantly updated.
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How To Enhance Your Windows Experience With AquaSnap (Not Only in Windows 7!) Posted: 11 Jul 2011 12:30 PM PDT Windows 7 provided a breath of fresh air for all of us Windows users. As one of the people who stuck stubbornly to Windows 2000 and resented the switch to Windows XP (which might have been a bad decision in retrospect), I found Windows 7 refreshingly useful and slick. Among several other cool features Windows 7 offers, Aero Snap is probably the one I use most often. Aero Snap is a feature that allows you to easily view windows side by side simply by dragging the window to the side of the screen. This becomes very handy when you’re working with several windows, and is now sorely missed when having to switch to an older Windows version. But sometimes I need to work with more than just two windows, or I want to organize my windows on the top and bottom of the screen, and not on the sides. So how is this done? AquaSnap is a free utility for Windows that does all that, and much more. And what’s even more exciting, AquaSnap works on older versions of Windows as well, so you can now use this feature (and some others) when working with Windows XP or 2000 (or even Vista). Getting StartedTo get started, you will first need to download AquaSnap from the developer’s website. You can choose between an installer and a portable version, and the software is also available in an impressive number of languages. There is a catch to this, though, as AquaSnap will automatically detect you system’s language and use that. There’s no apparent way to change the interface language manually. After you install it, AquaSnap will load automatically, and you can start using it right away. In order to configure AquaSnap, you can access the settings simply by double clicking the tray icon. If you don’t wish to have a tray icon, you can access the settings from the start menu.
Snapping WindowsAquaSnap offers various settings options for snapping windows. The default settings are very similar to Windows’ built-in Aero Snap feature, but let’s play with these a little bit and see what we can get out of them. After you access the settings, go to the “AquaSnap” tab to change the snapping options. AquaSnap offers three pre-set settings (AquaSnap, Simple and Advanced), where advanced give you 8 different snapping options for your windows. Using this setting, you can easily work on 4 different windows simply by dragging them to the four corners of the screen. There’s also a custom setting, which you can use to set the snapping option to your exact liking (like getting a window in fullscreen when you drag it the bottom, for example). AquaSnap’s snapping even works with internal windows in Multiple Document Interface (MDI) programs such as Excel, and you can configure this to behave differently from your independent windows.
Shaking and StretchingBesides snapping, AquaSnap offers several other useful features. In the “AquaShake” tab you’ll be able to change Windows’s native Aero Shake feature. Here you can get a window to stay always on top every time you shake it (shaking it again will release it). You can control the sensitivity (sensibility?) of the shaking detection and even the opacity of the always-on-top window. You can also choose to leave Aero Shake as it is (minimizes all other windows), or disable it altogether. What’s cool about this feature is that you can also control the opacity of the always-on-top window. I found this especially useful for when I needed to work on several windows, and still have something stay always on top, like a chat window, without having it blocking my view of the other windows. You can see how this looks in the screenshot. The “AquaStretch” tab allows you to “stretch” windows after dragging them into a corner. This means that you have a window at the bottom right corner and then stretch over the whole right side. You can do this by double clicking the window when your cursor is placed at the top of the window and turns into the two-sided white arrow which is usually used for changing the window’s size. Of course you can also do this simply by dragging the window to the right. If this sounds a bit vague, you can look at the screenshot below to get a better idea.
AppearanceThe last two tabs we will look at are the “AquaGlass” tab and the appearance tab. The “AquaGlass” tabs lets you choose the opacity of a window when you move it. If you so choose, every time you move a window, it will turn semi-transparent so you can see everything that’s going on behind it. This is very useful if you’re working with a lot of open windows. In the “appearance” tab you can change the color and opacity of the snap indicator, or even disable it altogether. The default color scheme is quite nice, but I always like it when programs give me a choice. After all, don’t we all want our systems to look as original as possible, even when using a very common operating system?
ConclusionWindows 7′s default features are pretty cool. Even without installing anything, you can still do some pretty handy things with it. But AquaSnap provides a very needed extra touch for those of us who work with many open windows or those who like exciting things to happen when they shake a window. I’m definitely keeping AquaSnap installed on my system, but would love to hear of more of these little things that can make the Windows experience better. Do you know of any? Let us know in the comments! More articles about: desktop search, productivity, Windows 7Similar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Personal Finance Sites That Will Help Get You In Shape Posted: 11 Jul 2011 11:30 AM PDT In these tough economic times, not being financial literate can cost thousands of dollars and a lifetime of savings. Most of us never learnt about personal finance in high school—few or no courses are taught on the subject, though it’s equally as important as learning reading, writing, and math. Most of us learn personal finance through trial and error. Many people avoid the subject all together and live simply from pay check to pay check. But thanks to the Internet, there are several outstanding, information-filled personal finance blog sites that can help you become more conscious of your spending habits and what it will take to get you financially in shape. Of course, some of these personal finance sites have ebooks and other resources for sale, but I suggest you start with all the free information about the basics of budgeting, saving, and investing that you can actually read and put into practice before you pay for a financial course or some get rich scheme. I also suggest that you actually subscribe to one or more of these blog sites. The key to becoming financially literate is to study the subject like you watch your favorite television program. Subscribe to the newsletters and RSS feeds of these and other similar sites, and I guarantee you that in a few weeks time you'll start thinking differently about your finances. The Simple DollarTrent Hamm's The Simple Dollar personal finance blog site emerged out his personal experiences of a "financial meltdown" starting back in April of 2006. He started his blog "to tell the world about what [he] had learned and help people to who were struggling with the same things." Hamm, the authorThe Simple Dollar: How One Man Wiped Out His Debts and Achieved the Life of His Dreams, writes about an extremely wide range of topics, from cooking recipes that keep you from wasting money on going out to eat, to 25 Revised Rules to Grow Rich By. Other subjects on the site include bad spending habits, dealing with debt, living frugally, grocery shopping, and organizing your money. The ChristianPFBob Lotich's The Christian Personal Finance features a large collection of daily posts about budgeting, banking, jobs and careers, debt elimination, insurance, investing, making and saving money, and free stuff. His site is geared towards people of the Christian faith, but I think it can appeal to anyone. Some of his popular articles include, How to Pay Your Mortgage Off Early, 20 Best Ways to Save Money, Get Out of Debt, 25 Top Paying Jobs Without Degree, 15 Ways to Cut Your Expenses, 250 Bible Verses About Money, and Why You Need an Emergency Fund. MintLife BlogI've recommended's online financial management system as an effective way to develop and monitor your personal financial budget. also includes a much re-tweeted blog site called MintLife. Recent MintLife articles include When Does It Make Sense to Refinance?, Support Your Local Business—Invest in It, Impulse Savings: Use Your Shopping Habit to Feather Your Nest Egg, and Investing 101: Understanding Core Earnings. MintiLife is definitely worth subscribing to or at least having on your Twitter follow list. GetRich SlowlyGetRich Slowly has been selected as one of Time Magazine's best blogs of 2011. The site features daily personal finance information on maintaining a savings account, CD rates, home and mortgage, dealing with credit cards, insurance, and getting out of debt. When you subscribe to the sites email newsletter you will receive a copy of his free ebook, Learn Hot to Make Your Money Work Harder for You. I Will Teach You To Be RichNew York Times bestselling author, Ramit Sethi takes a slightly different approach to personal finance. Worthy MentionsOther worthy mentions for good personal fiance sites include: The Digerati Life, a site for digital and technological savvy readers that provides information and tips about credit cards, best brokers, savings, mortgage, and refinancing rates. If your income is very limited, you will definitely want to subscribe to the The Frugal Life which features hundred of tips on living within your means. The site contains articles on practical topics such as auto savings, getting rid of clutter, do-it-yourself how-tos, home business ideas, and saving on your utilities. For other MUO articles on personal finance, start with these posts:
Image Credit: More articles about: finance, money, money management, save moneySimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 “Best Online Investing Websites” to Improve Your Gains Posted: 11 Jul 2011 10:30 AM PDT
Investing right is a lot about timeliness. That's where the right information bolstered by real-time data is the need of the second. The good websites on investment advice go beyond ticker tapes. When you have so many websites to pick from, how do you decide on the best online investing website? Well, you try them out and pick the one that works for you. Most of these websites have portfolio tools that help you manage your investments online. So, here are eight more to sift through for some of the best online investing websites with aids and tips. WikinvestWikinvest always deserves a mention whenever you talk about online investing aids. Wikinvest Portfolio Manager is a comprehensive website that lets you make the most use of your online investment portfolios. The site's data import tools allow you to easily and quickly setup your portfolio account by bringing in data from external brokerage sites with a few clicks. You not only get to see all your accounts in one place but also have easy access to portfolio analytical tools supported by real time data and visualizations. Wikis also cover company reviews and performance metrics, making your investment decisions all the more sounder. The Money School is where you should go if you are just starting out with personal finance and investing. StockMapperStock heat maps are visual aids which constantly update and tell you what's going up and what's down in the financial markets. StockMapper is a collection of many such heat maps which reflect the volatility of today's financial markets. The stock heat maps cover some of the major exchanges like NASDAQ, NYSE, and Eurotrac. You can use the heat maps as a 'dashboard' and apply filters to get the information you want according to all the relevant indices (there's a 3-D map too). Clicking on the color coded stock points also brings up news feeds related to that particular stock or company. FINVIZThis site is another stock visualization tool. The stock screener also works with various filters and you can even create your own custom screeners and map it to the online portfolio for the stocks you want to focus on. You can save them as presets and use them later too. The web app supports multiple charts with which you can monitor aspects like different sectors, futures and forex markets, or high performing stocks easily (among other things). Guru FocusLearning how the best investors invest can fast track you and your investment pile. The site doesn’t have a direct portfolio management tool but it's job is to guide you to pick the right stocks. The site serves investment ideas through financial news, insights, and commentaries. The site is not about short term investing. The Real Time Guru Picks is a membership based feature but most parts of the website are free. StockpickrThe site is part of The Street network of financial information websites. It also found a place in Times annual list of best websites (2007). As the name says, all the financial hints on the site comes from tracking the portfolios of many of the top mutual and hedge funds and super investors like Warren Buffett, Wally Weitz, and George Soros. The articles that fall under Stock Ideas are must read for helpful insights. If you have time on your hands checkout The Stock Game for some real-time simulated stock trading. Yahoo FinanceYahoo Finance along with Wikinvest finds a place on our 107 Best Websites on The Web list. Along with financial headlines, you get you get free stock quotes, portfolio management resources, international market data, message boards, and mortgage rates. Also, Yahoo Finance is localized just like its main portal for some major countries around the world. Some new features to look at include the streaming codes, smart lookup for to find quotes faster, a new personal finance section, and more. Then of course, there's the Experts panel and Money Guides among the tools. Financial TimesThis top-notch publication needs no introduction. For worldwide coverage of the latest financial trends, this publication is the one to read. But then it also covers regional markets like Asia, the Middle East, and India just as well. Don't forget to check out the lineup of tools (as in the screenshot) or the many blogs that are on the second tier of the website. MarketWatchAnything from Wall Street Journal is a must read if you want to invest wisely. Apart from the topics, companies, people, investment aids, and markets in the news, do take a look at the podcasts and the Virtual Stock Exchange Game. The section on investments has a range of tools that could help to make your decisions more carefully planned out. For instance, the list of top IPO performers (and worst too), mutual fund comparisons, and the other screening tools are worth a bookmark. The My Portfolio section is lets you track your investments. The eight sites and their investment tools are for the serious investor. You would need a fair degree of know-how to tackle the data that's thrown out. Reading our other wealth related articles could lay the groundwork. Here are some of them:
When it comes to investing, which are the financial websites you follow? Image Credit: Shutterstock More articles about: finance, money, money management, stock market, tracking toolsSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Facebook Video Calling Scam Rides Official Announcement’s Coattails [News] Posted: 11 Jul 2011 09:36 AM PDT
The app, named Video Calling, spreads itself through infected accounts by spamming the social networking service with links labeled “Enable video calls”. Clicking on the link takes you to the fake Video Calling page, which entices unsuspecting users with a “Get Started” button. Upon close inspection of the permissions, however, there's obviously something odd. The bogus app asks for access to your basic information, your wall, your news feed, and data access at any time. Those are some hefty permissions, and they don't have anything to do with video calls. Of course, the real service doesn't install like other Facebook apps but is instead accessed through a particular Facebook page, so those already familiar with the service are unlikely to fall for this façade. Those who have only heard of the feature in passing, however, won't be as suspicious. The good news? The payload of this threat isn't serious. Besides posting referral link spam, there's little harm done. Still, users should be on alert for threats like this both on Facebook and on Google+, as not every social engineering attack is so mundane. Source: CNET More articles about: Facebook, malware, news, scam, video chatSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
How To Make GNOME Applications Look Like KDE Applications With Oxygen-GTK [Linux] Posted: 11 Jul 2011 09:30 AM PDT
Sadly, the integration of those GNOME apps (which rely on a theme engine known as GTK) with KDE’s appearance (where KDE uses a theme engine known as Qt) has never quite worked out. In turn, GNOME apps looked straight out ugly when run under KDE, as seen in the screenshot below.
About Oxygen-GTKThe package we’re talking about is called Oxygen-GTK.The aim of this package is to visually integrate GNOME apps with KDE’s main theme, called Oxygen. Why is this project different than all the other attempts to visually match KDE? Aside from the fact that this package actually works as people might expect, there’s really nothing too much fancy about it. Other projects tended to use outside theme engines (neither GTK nor Qt), and the final results were never more than a nice attempt (in my personal experience). Oxygen-GTK takes the simple approach of using the GTK engine to look almost exactly like the default Qt version. The only inconsistency I ever found so far was that menu items were more spaced out. That was it. InstallationTo get Oxygen-GTK on your system, you can go to your package manager and search for
The latest version of Oxygen-GTK that is being offered (v1.1.0 at the time of this article) is actually meant for KDE 4.7, which at the time of this article hasn’t yet been released as stable. For future versions of Oxygen-GTK, please read the information on the download page to make certain you’re using the correct version. If you downloaded your own copy instead of installing the package, you can extract the contents of the download to Configuration
Are you someone who’d like to use KDE but still keep the GNOME apps? Would a solution like this allow you to make the switch? What would you like to see happen? Let us know in the comments! More articles about: Gnome, KDE, themesSimilar articles: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Getting Started with the Internet of Things eBook [Giveaway] Posted: 11 Jul 2011 08:30 AM PDT
This week, we’ll be giving away 25 copies of Getting Started with the Internet of Things by Cuno Pfister from O’Reilly Media. Jump in for a quick description of the book and join the giveaway! Quoting O’Reilly,
Getting Started with the Internet of Things is an awesome ebook to help guide you to inventing new and clever things to automate your life. Get a copy of this ebook worth $19.99 by joining the giveaway. How do I win a copy?It’s simple, just follow the instructions. Step 1: Fill in the giveaway formPlease fill in the form with your real name and email address so that we can get in touch if you are chosen as a winner. Click here if you can’t view the form. The giveaway code required to activate the form is available from Friday’s newsletter or on our Facebook page. Step 2: Share!You’re almost done. Now, all that’s left to do is to share the post. There are 2 options to choose from or you can do both!
This giveaway begins now and ends Friday, July 15th at 2100hrs PDT. The winners will be selected at random and informed via email. Spread the word to your friends and have fun! MakeUseOf would like to thank O’Reilly for their generosity while participating in this giveaway. Interesting in sponsoring? We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us via email. More articles about: automate, ebook, giveaway, hardware, internetSimilar articles: |
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