Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Improving the World Showcase

Rumors of a Brazilian Pavilion is swirling around Disney World and the Disney Internet, as even some cast members are confirming that some interesting work is being done in Epcot. Now, while I won’t accept anything as true until Disney decides to actually announce it (Or I see some true construction), this rumor is definitely an interesting one. We haven’t had a new pavilion in many many years, and there have barely been any changes to the World Showcase in the past two decades. A few upgrades, a few updates, a short-lived parade, but nothing permanently major. So once again exploring my inner creativity, I’ve composed of a list of changes (some subtle, some major) I would make to the Showcase. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Showcase in nearly every possible way, but it can definitely become something even more special.

Add: Brazil
I am pretty sure no non-North American country visits Disney World as much as the Brazilians, as their college programites and their massive tour groups are subtle Cast Member legends. The fact that there is no Brazil, easily one of the more popular and well-known nations around the world, is rather inexcusable. What’s even worse is that not a single South American country has representation in the World Showcase unless it’s the Food and Wine Festival. Adding Brazil is not just a good idea, it’s a no-brainer.

Add: Russia
When we Americans think of Asia, we think much more along the lines of China and Japan. Russia has changed a lot since its days in the Cold War, yet there’s very little we actually know about the biggest country in the world. Russia is a beautiful country full of life, and culture—even if its history hasn’t been the best. Its about time Russia gets some representation.

Add: Argentina
This one might be tougher to pull off, but with only Mexico representing the Spanish nations, its time for a little more variety. South American Hispanics is far different when compared to that of Central American and Caribbean Hispanics, and adding the very lively and very proud Argentina. We can throw in their incredible cuisine, and definitely should make a movie about all the types of landscape that exists within its borders. However, this idea isn’t as popular as other choices like Brazil and Greece.

Add: Caribbean Pavilion
A little more bias here, but most of the world knows very very little about the Caribbean outside its music and beautiful beaches. I think they should use the Millennium Village building and create a Caribbean Pavilion, full of content, food, and presentations about the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, and more.

Add: Australia
Australia has no representation in Epcot, in Animal Kingdom, and not even in cinema in Hollywood Studios. Australia has by far among the most interesting history, culture, and landscaping in any developed nation. To add to that: it’s a freakin’ island just full of insanity. Australia would add even more diversity to the World Showcase, from the cuisine to the delightful people that live there.

Add: Miyazaki Ride
Japan is my favorite pavilion, as it’s the most detailed, offers the most merchandise, and potentially has the most space. I feel like I walk around much more in Japan than the other pavilions. However, this country is still lacking its movie that France, Canada, China, and Norway. What if, instead of a movie we get a ride based off of the country’s most celebrated animator, Miyazaki? He is practically the Japanese version of Walt Disney, and a slow boat ride through several scenes of his greatest movies: including Castle in the Sky, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Ponyo, etc. It would definitely be a break from just another beautiful movie representing a country, it would be a potentially beautiful ride about beautiful movies (except for Spirited Away, but that’s a film critic’s opinion)

Add: Movies to Every Pavilion Missing One
Impressions of France and Reflections of China are two beautiful attractions truly showcasing the diverse beauty of the countries they represent. And I believe every pavilion that is missing a film should offer it. Mexico needs one, Germany needs one, Italy (especially, considering the vagueness of the pavilion) needs one, Morocco needs one, and the United Kingdom needs one as well. What’s the best part of these movies is that they don’t require as much space when compared to a ride, and Epcot still has plenty of room left.

Subtract: Norway
It hurts to do this, but the one pavilion wit the least amount of love is Norway, as their restaurant is now a character buffet, their ride is really quite mediocre, and the entire area looks and feels like an afterthought. This is the country I visit the least, and if it weren’t for Kim Possible, it would probably just remain a pass-by area for all guests. I would replace this land in a heartbeat with Russia or Australia.

Subtract: African Outpost
I don’t even have to explain myself, this place is practically nothing, easily the weakest part of the Showcase. Besides the amazing wood-carver, there s no reason to even stand to look around. Plenty of available space for an actual pavilion, getting rid of Outpost would surely improve the Showcase.

Change: Impressions of France
It is a great attraction with wonderful scenery, great editing, a nice narration, and flawless music blasting away while you are engulfed in the images. But, it is horrifically dated, and remains the last of the movies in the Showcase to be updated. Why? No idea, but its about time we see some new images of France, as a lot has changed in the country since the 80s.

And finally, this idea will never sit through because of the sheer absurdity of it all (I wouldn’t even put it on my list because of its impossibility) but I would obliterate the American Adventure. Epcot is INSIDE America, so why does it need ANY representation at all? If I had my way, Future World would show the progress of American technology and the future of life in America, as well as around the world. Future World should become our “American Adventure,” and the colonial stuff (which is already featured not-so-prominently in the Magic Kingdom) should be pushed away to make space for one (perhaps even two) pavilions. Now, like I said, nobody would ever approve this idea amongst the higher-ups in Disney World, but hey, I can dream can’t I?

So now I ask you, what changes would YOU make to the World Showcase?

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