Tuesday, April 12, 2011

BeZhare: Story of Raden Sandhi

Raden Sandhi
Well, now we had already gathered, I will tell the story of Raden Sandhi death. According to the beliefs of Sambas, that Raden Sandhi is not dead, his corpse was brought the truth, fine people, people Paloh. Before I tell Raden Sandhi it, I better tell you about Paloh, namely about his awesomeness. Until now, local people may still believe Sambas here with his awesomeness, about - about the mystique that's how we are now.
According to the beliefs of the Sambas that we will go to Paloh, first we should not shout - shout or scream in the woods. Both whistles are also prohibited. All three say no good, Now that's a story about local people Sambas Paloh.

Well, now I will tell you about the death of Raden Sandhi earlier. Raden Sandhi it includes a good family man - whether he was descendant of King - King of Sambas. Behavior is very different from the other brother. One of the most preferred habit and often did the hunting. If it's hunting usually two or three days just to go home. And this is, once - once their parents gave warning.

At one point, Raden Sandhi summoned by her parents and said: "Sandhi, I see you other than a brother - your brother. Always have you gone Forestry, or until the area Paloh looking for bird hunting, deer, pelanduk. The result is not there as well. So I think it is better you stay home, that's the boy who would take care of your wife. We were able to feed it, but you as a husband, you, which gives more attention, educate. Whether it's the children - your daughter, your wife, it is your responsibility.

Raden Sandhi, quiet person and do not like talking that it is useless, especially - much to his parents and his parents did however anger, he said nothing, but in his heart because it has become habit who like to hunt. On a day Raden Sandhi as usual, will go hunting weapon that will be used to go hunting. Then he went to see her, "Oi, today, I'll go hunting again.

Either one day, two days I do not know. I just ask, so my absence, do not you tell by my father, with mother, "why too, said his wife, had just scolded by my mother, so do not go hunting, but my heart is always just wanted to go hunting. So a wife must be obedient to the husband, ". Understand, replied the wife. Just do not be long - long. It's known in the forest, there must be something that is feared, ". No, I went not too long, perhaps only two days.

Well, his wife said. "Later when the father asked, 'say I did not go anywhere - where. Just go near it. Only later when you will go bring a friend. Do not go alone, it's known in the forest. Many animals, like snakes, bears and other animals that can bother us, his wife said.

"He is the friend I brought, but who is my friend, Raden said Sandhi. So the Raden Sandhi earlier. With both of his friends went out to walk the three of them. They walked out into the forest, and out of the ravine is also met with the animal in question. Moreover, deer, antelope, pelanduk, any bird not found. Because there is also met with prey animals and have become Sandhi Raden nature, if not yet also can not he satisfied. Eating too Raden Sandhi forget let alone drinking. Eventually they came to the area Paloh. Arriving at Paloh, sounds of birds, Ciit .... Ciit ....... Ciit ". Raden Sandhipun friends said, "Den it is the sound of birds.

"Where? "That, on a log." Raden Sandhipun look up. He saw correctly, there is a bird, but the bird was very strange shape. Very different from the bird - bird to another. Not too big, not too small. The bird is good, really pretty bird. The color variety - variety, no green, no red, yellowish legs - brass. In short interesting, very interesting.
"My chopsticks just the bird. If my chopsticks, it's easy - I hope the bird is not dead and I can maintain it, "said Raden Sandhi. Later in his chopsticks and hit the bird was, right in the head and the bird died. Raden liver Sedihlah Sandhi because the bird dead. "Unfortunately, the bird, if not dead will kupelihara". What may make, although I will take home dead. Sandhi Raden said to his friends.
"Well, well, we just go home, already nearly two days of hunting we do not also get the game only to birds one tail only. Will kusalai, for fur is not damaged when packed and will I keep it. "Iyalah," replied the friend - the friend.

Go home Raden Sandhi, arrived at his house Raden Sandhi recalled, his body less healthy, less healthy why yes my body, chilling was standing. Maybe I'm sick. At first did not feel anything - anything until a few days later, the agency Raden Sandhi still not healthy. Raden Sandhi feel the fever after going to Paloh!. Then he went over to his wife, what's wrong with my body, Sandhi Raden said to his wife. Maybe I'm sick of this. "It's been three days my body is hot and cold, chilling I felt standing, it feels uncomfortable at all, what is it the medicine?". Sandhi Raden said to his wife. Do not know, replied his wife. Find shamans are near - near here. So the wife looking for shamans to treat her husband earlier. Not long after came the shaman and asked Raden Sandhi, "What ails den?".

"I dunno, this body I felt were increasingly weakened it, chilling was standing. Fever is also but the body feels sore all. Raden from which, until this sick? asked the shaman to Raden Sandhi. I went hunting to Paloh, returned from hunting, my body feels hot and cold, it feels feather goose bumps. Oh that is so subtle perhaps Raden affected people, said the shaman as well.

Then in his treat Raden Sandhi, after the villagers were treated with drugs before, with the type - the type concoction made of wood - wood, then in whom read mantra. After the shaman had to go home, sick Raden Sandhi not cured, but his illness got worse, eventually Raden Sandhi do not want to eat.
After some time Raden Sandhi pain and illness are not well healed, Raden Sandhi eventually died. Like people died would have been bathed, on When does then buried like a funeral. After the burial ceremony was completed, on the evening Sandhi get mempi Raden wife, in that dream, saying that actually Raden Sandhi is not dead, Raden Sandhi carried by fine people go to Paloh, to be made king by the fine people there because they are old king , Raden Sandhi will become law and the king of smooth in place.

Who buried it instead of Raden Sandhi, but only a banana tree only and that is what is planted, said the fine was a dream of his wife. People were also advised subtle to tell his dream to parents Raden Sandhi.
Then is realized the wife of his dreams, and then talked to both parents and their families Raden Sandhi. That was not the bodies were buried the body but only a Sandhi Raden banana tree and her husband was taken away to the fine people Paloh by marriage to the child King Paloh. That's the story of Raden Sandhi wife, then stirred them to hear the story of his wife earlier. The father regretted Raden Sandhi behavior that has been frequently reminded not to go hunting, let alone to go hunt down to Paloh.
Already we know together, that Paloh was a place people - people the truth, let alone coming to Paloh just to go hunt, kill animals again. But what power it has happened. Maybe it was destiny scripture Raden Sandhi, "said his father.

We continue our story first, after Raden Sandhi brought to Paloh, Raden Sandhi married with children of King Paloh. During that Raden Sandhi be King Paloh and power in the area Paloh. At this present time there are still many people who believe and according to the story if it will go to Paloh, do not forget to mention the name Raden Sandhi, saying, "Den, Raden, we came to the territory Paloh speech '(call for Raden Sandhi) we also still family from Sambas, do not we be disturbed ", begitlah sound words. In addition there are also conditions that must be done for those who would to Paloh ie:
1. Never once - once dared to shout - shout
2. Never once - time whistle - whistle that once made taboo
3. Never once - a useful time to kill animals such as birds (any kind) and the other.

It is also not allowed to talk dirty and whistle - whistle. If this - this sort of thing is violated then there will be consequences. That's the story. So the belief was still held today. People who go into areas not dare Paloh carelessly. That area (Paloh) maintained by Raden Sandhi. Whether or not this story ', Wallahualam.
By: NN (Sambas Story) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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